November 2, 2013


I'm sure you've all seen this gorgeous sweater around.. Sue over at THE ZHUSH blogged about it, and has rounded up a fabulous selection for you, check it out here. As I've continued to see it on Pinterest I'm seriously seeing hearts!

Last week before seeing this I had ordered this cute sweater and once I read Sue's post, I ordered this one. What a great price!
Happy weekend! x

design philosophy | providing a foundation to grow and alter through the years, I keep the core basic and layer in the current, creating a room that is innately yours. I believe great interiors are not found in one shop. I know you should feel a sense of calm in your space as well as balance, and revel in that gut feeling that it’s the right fit. See Sarah Swanson Design at the top left of this blog for details on getting the room you love through e design!


  1. totally love it! must order! thanks for sharing!

  2. Love that sweater!! And for $24.24 - sign me up!
    xx Lexi, Glitter, Inc.

  3. I always enjoy your shopping posts!

  4. Oh myy im obsessed as well! I bought one similar but i must say . . yours takes the cake!

  5. I'm so curious about SheInside. The prices are amazing. Have you ordered from there before? Any comments?


You're leaving a note? LOVE that!