January 2, 2012

new year, new room

January in my home means, sorting, organizing, donating and always a bit of freshening the decor. If the same thing is going on at your home and you need a hand, drop me a line! Any design board projects starting now until January 15th will receive 25% OFF! Regular price $150 / room. Please visit SARAH SWANSON DESIGN, and have a look at the E DESIGN, to see the details and drop me a line at sarah@sarahswansondesign.com. I'd love to help you freshen up a room in your home. This month is also the month my home will be featured in it's first publication..eek! So excited. Looking forward to hearing from you! x Sarah

image, my entry photographed by Tracey Ayton

E DESIGN ( design/ inspiration board via email after lots of on line discussion ) is the perfect option to help you design from scratch, update or finish a room! To see all the details visit Sarah Swanson Design.


  1. So excited your home is getting published!!! Cannot wait to see, my friend! xoxo

  2. I hope you post some of the design boards! Can't wait to see what your creativity brings!

  3. So excited for you...sounds like 2012 is off to a great start!!

  4. so, so exciting!! Can't wait to see your home pop up in a mag! Happy 2012, Sarah :)

  5. Oh, I can't wait to see the feature! Congrats, Sarah!

  6. Oh my goodness! That's wonderful news! I have to tell you that you are my favorite person to follow on Pinterest. I have to actually restrain myself from pinning every single image.


  7. Congratulations Sarah! Looking forward to hearing the good news about the publication.

  8. january has meant the same here thus far. cleaning, tossing, making room for new.


You're leaving a note? LOVE that!