December 28, 2011

so affordable!

I am a huge Michelle Armas many of you are I'm sure! I've ordered these two prints ( they're VERY affordable! ) and will give you a lovely dose of MA. I'm looking forward to having them framed and hung!

E DESIGN ( design/ inspiration board via email after lots of on line discussion ) is the perfect option to help you design from scratch, update or finish a room! To see all the details visit Sarah Swanson Design.


  1. Why how delightful! I really need to get some lovely prints in the New Year, but there are so many gorgeous ones available, and so little wall space to cover!!! :) Hazel

  2. her work is definitely on my list!

  3. Wow, these are beautiful!

    Be sure to come by my blog and enter my new giveaway! It's a great one!

  4. These are amazing...can't wait to see them hanging in all their glory!! Wishing you all the best in 2012 ~

  5. Get out... I think I need to order the last one. I cannot get over the prices! Now, let me go get my credit card! If we lived closer, we could just do an art swap, too! xo


You're leaving a note? LOVE that!