October 13, 2011

three things, classic and current

classic spaces yet totally current. Classic makes me happy :)

Share your design inspiration, I'll help turn it into a reality! e design services start at $85. Visit sarah swanson design.

images via my pinterest!


  1. absolutely gorgeous! This is definately my style! Any chance you know what type of plant is in the second picture? Im desperate to find some gorgeous indoor plants that arent scrappy looking or succulents!

  2. Gorgeous as always! Hope you have a wonderful weekend. xo

  3. The floors look great. Also love the dark foyer with the large gold window.

  4. Oh yes! So basic, so sexy, so simple and livable. I try to add crazy color to my home, but it never lasts...I always revert to the simple. Those marble lamps are keeeling me.


You're leaving a note? LOVE that!