February 6, 2013

let's talk about this for real..

It was just the other day I was having a chat with my dear blogging friend Marianne and we were chatting about, well, how sometimes people make their lives out to be one big perfect picture. Between facebook statuses, twitter, blogging.. it's hard to keep up to all this perfection. I know of a few people on my facebook friends list that 'say' their life is a big bowl of cherries, but because I know them really well, I know it's the exact opposite and that's just what they want us all to think. Sad isn't it?! This quote is so so true that I think about it all the time.

 A few months ago as we were moving my Mom to Calgary to be with us after my Dad died, we stopped at a favorite store that is full of quartz and crystals and healing rocks and all that fabulous natural stuff.. well there happened to be a medium ( you know like the ones on TV ) and she started chatting with me and my Mom. It was NUTS the stuff she knew about us. She said to me," people think they know you, but they have no idea." Hmm.. at the time I couldn't think of what this meant. A few days later, I realized she meant us. me and you. I put myself out there to you all, and of course I give you only the details I want to, so we know each other but you may not really KNOW me. Crazy right?! So true. So here's me..I thought you might like to know :)

 I'm 35, have two girls, Calleigh 7 and Lauren 5. I'm married to the best guy. He gets me, loves me and puts up with me. We laugh, we fight and we love each other no matter what. Since the day we met, we've been inseparable. Being a Mom is the hardest thing I've ever done. Plain and simple. I love my girls but oh my god do they make me crazy. I'm impatient, sensitive and don't like being told what to do. I like to be the planner. I love my job. Alot. Being able this past year to work from home doing what I love is incredible. Kevin and I joke that I live a life of leisure. I have to say that my life is pretty stress free. For years and years we both worked alot and late and different shifts, so to be able to spend more family time now is incredible and I know I'm lucky. I think of every design client I have as a friend. By the time we are done, we are :) I value and am honored that each one of you has put your home in my hands. I love working with you. I think I share real life with you on my blog, and if I'm ever showy or anything like that it's SO not my intention. I can't stand reading blogs that have authors so full of themselves. I love my blog and being able to connect with you all, and the fact that you all come back means alot. Hmm.. what else.. I annoy Kevin with how much I need our home to be set. Everything has a place and you better believe it needs to stay there or go back there. I can't help it. Working from home means home needs to be in it's place before I can sit down and work. We have few friends but the ones we have are gold. We'll all grow old together. I love sleep. I was so sleep deprived for so many years because of the girls, so if I don't get it I completely shut down. I've suffered with migraines for 3 years. They get under control and then flare up again. I am gluten free, dairy free, peanut free, pop free, no white sugar and down to one cup of coffee a day. I have given up alot of shit and resent it like mad. Well I used to. Not so much anymore ;) I'll be honest with you about things I want, things I may have worked my ass off to afford.. when we sell this house we are paying off our debt. We will be debt free and you better believe we are going to stay that way. Ok, well aside from a mortgage and one car payment :) We started budgeting this year and using just cash. It's an incredibly easy and fabulous way to live. Things have to mean alot to have to part with cash to get them. Calleigh is as smart as a whip and I'm so proud of her. Lauren has asthma and allergies and she's grown as a little person so much this year in Kindergarten. She wants to keep up to her sister so badly. I love them with my whole heart. Seeing them sleep is my favorite thing in the world. I still check that they are breathing before I can go to sleep at night.

I've been lucky, death has never really affected our family. This past year I lost my Dad suddenly and unexpectedly, and lost my Papa and Nana. Good god.

Ok, phew.. if you read all this, again thanks. When you stop by, know it's just me here, and I'm just like you. My kiddo is probably having a fit over something I said no to too :) xoxo S

design philosophy | providing a foundation to grow and alter through the years, I keep the core basic and layer in the current, creating a room that is innately yours. I believe great interiors are not found in one shop. I know you should feel a sense of calm in your space as well as balance, and revel in that gut feeling that it’s the right fit. DESIGN SERVICES start at only 10.00. See Sarah Swanson Design at the top left of this blog!


  1. What a great post! Thank you so much for sharing. The quote is perfect, love it. I can relate to so much of what you said. I love that you are on a cash budget, I think that's my next step...should be interesting! Cheers.

  2. I always knew I liked you ! Can't wait for my second Gallery piece to arrive& new to me shirt:)))) cheers!

  3. love this :) thank you for sharing.

  4. You are the real deal, Sarah. So happy to have you as a dear friend that I absolutely treasure beyond words. xoxo

  5. Seriously, I had this exact same conversation with a friend the other day - blogging is tricky like that. I find you want to keep things positive but at the same time stay "real". That quote is so, so good.

    Thank you so much for keeping it real and sharing so much about yourself, Sarah. It's so lovely to get to know more about you.

  6. Great post! I am all about keeping it real too!

  7. Always go to your blog. Love your style and your decorating sense. It's funny how you can read something and feel as if the person is talking to you. Thank you Sarah, for being real, I guess for being you!

  8. This was so nice to read. I've admired your work and blog for some time and it's lovely to gain more insight into the person behind the beautiful rooms and images. Thank you for sharing!

  9. I think it's great that you shared this tid bit about your life. I think it allows the reader to see you as a person, faults and all, and relate better. Although, I've never thought of you as showy, in any way, I think it's great that you put this out there :)

  10. Love you for all of the above! Wonderful+heart felt post. xo

  11. Anonymous?? I wonder why my profile came up anonymous. So happy to get to know all of you:))) more to love!

  12. Beautiful post ......no ones life is perfect....but yet here we are struggling to get through the good times and bad. Everyday we learn, love and laugh. Sorry for your loss this year. I lost my Dad when I was 39 and my Mom when I was 49. It really changes your perspective and you see life just a little differently. Love reading your blog:)

  13. Sarah, what a beautiful post. I feel like I know you through your posts and designs but so nice to learn more. I agree I get so sick of people portraying their life as perfect- its annoying and no one has a perfect life. I need to do a cash budget we are working to pay off debt too- stupid credit cards. Great post!

  14. So many great things here! Kudos to you for putting yourself out there. I had a few "Good, I'm not the only one" moments here, so that is helpful! I'm so glad you are where you want to be and I wish you continued success!

  15. I love this post! That quote is also so true. I think it's so important to stay true to yourself and not worry about others and what they're doing. We're all fighting our own struggles. I'm sorry for your loss. I lost my dad to leukemia 7 years ago, and it's tough. I realized we have so many things in common, after reading this post! Love your blog. :)

  16. Thanks Sarah, lovely post and it annoys me the bloggers who seem to be 'all about me' - the self-promotion gets boring...we are all real and wonderful people who are lucky we have found this incredible way to connect across the world! xo

  17. Hi Sarah,
    I loved this and learning more about you. After working with you on my home and various iVillage projects, I feel like you're a friend as well. Thanks for being so down to earth and real! And that quote is so good and one I need to remember more often.


  18. Lovely post, Sarah. In fact, so lovely, I think I'll visit much more often as opposed to just strolling by. Oh, and we're also getting ready to list our home (job transfer). If you have any advice/suggestions in that regard (prepping house), I'd love to read about them.

  19. Sarah- It was so great getting to know a bit more about you. I don't have a blog, but have been contemplating starting one, however I keep talking myself out of it, because really, my life isn't perfect like the bloggers that I love reading about so much- I don't have endless funds to buy new clothes, constantly redecorate, etc. And my new husband and I are really just homebodies that like to hang out with each other (i.e. no parties to speak of, or fabulous outings to go to all the time.)
    Anyway, sorry for the rambling, but it's so great to read this from a blogger, especially one who I enjoy and admire so much!
    Have a great weekend,

  20. great post Sarah! I know, it's a tough balance to keep things positive but not give off that "I'm perfect" vibe. I kind of struggle with that a bit since many people view living as an expat as such a glamorous life when it's really not. What I wouldn't do to come back to Canada! But complaining just brings about a roll of the eyes from some of my family and friends which is kind of hurtful. It would be nice to open up and really be honest without the reactions.

  21. Wonderful post. I love your work. You made me cry when you mention that you love to see your girls sleeping. MY dad use to do that to me when I was a little girl. Unfortunately he passed away 5 years ago. Although I don't know you in person I truly appreciate you as a woman, designer, mother , wife and friend. Hopefully I would be a great wife and momma one day like you. You set a great example.



  22. Sarah, Love that quote and your post. I've had your blog open on my laptop and I've been working my way back from July to February - plan to keep going. Thanks for all these great posts and eye candy.


You're leaving a note? LOVE that!