Bear with me.. I have to tell you something-
Do you have people in your life that don't understand why you blog? I realised something tonight, I've know it all along, but it became really clear to me tonight just how supportive you all are. You're the first to tell me to go for it, pat me on the back, and understand whatever nonsense I'm blabbing about. Wow.. I am so grateful to you. I'm not sure that I can put into words just how much that means.. I feel like I have a great big safety net, a hug, a friend, someone to stand up for me. I brag about you, trying to tell people just how cool it is to be a part of this... I have friends all over the world, most of you I will never meet, but I consider you family. So for that, thank you, all 815 of you. ( it was 816, but apparently someone doesn't like me anymore :(
kidding. well sort of.
and I am totally overwhelmed by the amount of you who have graciously given me the stylish blogger award.. THANK YOU.
love stella & dot? Canadian shoppers can visit my shop by clicking right here! x
So true, I too love blogging and have been amazed at the support the community offers, it is fantastic! G
that is gorgeous....i too have family/friends who don't quite understand what i am doing with my blog and sometimes make me feel like i am a little tooooo into my blog! i say it is my hobby...i love that my blog is in my life & i get to have wonderful bloggers in my life like you. dayle x
I am happy to be one of your newest 815 (#814 to be exact!!) and I agree with you about being part of something so wonderful and supportive and inspirational. It is completely impossible to fully explain it someone who is not a blogger! xo Sherri
I know what you mean, you try to explain it to people... but they just don't get it do they?! But sometimes I'm glad they don't :)
Thanks for your blog friendship too xx
What a lovely post and I totally agree... You know none of my friends even know I have a little blog - some people just dont get it and I've realised that we are the lucky ones... I enjoy reading your Blog everyday!!! Keep Happy! x
I totally get it Sarah! :)
Love blogging and especially reading your beautiful one! Our friends will catch on to it all one day...
Most of my friends don't get the whole bloggy thing - when I try to explain that it makes you feel as though you are a part of a incredibly inspiring & supportive community they look at me as though I have lost it. The ones that have become curious are now blogging themselves - proof in the pudding as they say. I loved your post - you expressed what so many of us feel so beautifully, so thank you to you.
I completely understand what you're saying Sarah! Great way to say it.
Brilliant post! Love you too! :-))) Have a great week girl!
haha, love that post. Well, some of my friends are supportive but then there are others that are silent, very silent. I'm pretty sure those are the ones who think blogging is weird ;-)
Keep up the good work girl!
I know exactly how your feel. Love what your doing here-keep up the amazing job that you're doing!
so true, so true my friend. Love what you wrote. Simply said, us bloggers are social beings or we wouldn't put ourselves out there. But what we get back pays it forward.
Keep up the great work!
What a really sweet post! Love this!
So true - what a fabulous community of supportive like minded people we have. Wonderful to be a part of it!
I enjoyed reading your post!! And what you say is so true! I feel the same as you about this blogging community!!
A big hug,
I know what you mean. I've been trying to figure out how to squeeze more time into my day to devote to my business and my blog keeps seeming the obvious choice for the cut but something in me is resisting. I was sick all last week and I kept wondering what everyone was getting up to - funny.
I feel the same way about blogging! I have "met" some wonderful people who have supported and encouraged me in my ramblings!
I know how you feel and I am fairly new to this blogging community. It's a great thing being part of this community, but I have learned to accept those that don't understand it. I have learned a lot from readings blogs.
What a great post! I think the people who know our love for design best, are the design bloggers themsleves! I couldn't agree with you more! I'm so happy to be part of this too. Happy Monday!
I LOVE this post. I feel the exact same way. We are all so lucky to be a part of this blogging community and to have so many people (you a couple more than me :)) to support everything we do!
The blog community is so loving, isn't it? You're doing a great job! :)
Right back at you pretty girl. And so funny about the follower, I just lost one last week too. Totally notice that stuff.
There's nothing like blogworld and the incredible support and friendship it provides! It may sound silly to our real family and friends who don't "get" it but I know how much it means to me and if I'm ever feeling in a funk, it never ceases to make me feel better. :)
Well said! I get such a rush every time I get a new comment on my blog! Such a great community.
What a great post. The blogging world is so wonderful! I don't know what I would do without it.
One of the first comments (well from someone who wasn't family/friends) on my blog was from you. Your comment made me so happy and helped me to continue with my little blogging adventure! Funny how the littlest things like a comment can keep us going!
Keep up the great work...I always love reading your blog :)
I loved reading this and so feel the same way- it's difficult to explain to people that don't blog but it's really given me a piece of me back and the support never ceaces to inspire me. As always, adore you and your lovely blog.
My friends and family don't get it either. The only one that does is a friend that also has a blog. I adore your blog and everything you post, so keep doing what you're doing. xo
I completely agree, I feel like I have a way more friends than I could ever imagined. I absolutely love seeing what you have to say everyday!
It's so true! The blogging world is like one big hug every time you log on! Love it! (and your blog!)
Well, you know I'm a fan of your blog and I'm very happy that you continue to blog away.
A link to something I wrote about blogging a year ago.
Hope it helps and keep up the good work. We need all the Canadian bloggers! XO
ditto ;)
YES! This is so true!! I feel like I have a completely fun exciting set of friends and if we all got together in "real Life" it would be ridiculous fun! Hope your weekend was fabulous!
I feel the same way Sarah! It is a wonderful community and I am happy to have met you!
Hi, I just became your new 816, and I think your blog is fabulous!!! I get the same reactions to some of my art - not everyone (family especially) gets it. Oh well, I create for me, and it makes me happy, and that's what it's all about!
And you're back up to 816... that's a lot of lovely friends. I love stopping by your pretty corner of the internet, keep up the inspiration!
Well, when you're ahead of most others in building a vision you are not understood or taken seriously by friends and family. I blog therefore I have a vision to bring to fruition. What we share, discover, reveal, tell, whisper or shout is important. Giving and receiving is a life mission of goodness.
Cheers Sarah!
love what you're doing and keep it up! *virtual hugs to you xo
it's a strange and wondrous world this 'blogging' business, but how great that you're sharing and putting your creativity out there. thank you.
We all feel like one big happy family!! Keep up the great blogging :)
couldn't agree more! cheers to blog friends!
and, even though it appears someone already got you back up to 816, i'm an official follower now :)
I know exactly what you mean but you put words to it. I am still surprised how unsupportive some friends are of my blog when it is so important to me. You are fantastic and I'm so glad you do what you do!
oh i can so relate! the pull of blogging is amazing and the community of bloggers makes it worthwhile. I love your blog!
I know exactly what you mean...I count you as one of my friends and supporters, and I hope you expect the same from me! This blogging thing has become much more special than I ever expected.
now get on over and comment about all this valentine crap i'm cranking out! ;)
There are a ton of people that read but aren't followers, me included! I just can't figure out exactly how to lol and also if it bothers you that people are leaving think of this, the sites I love most are ones that I leave for a little while sometimes just because they are too awesome and they end up taking up too much of my workday *sigh*
awe...so sweet..i feel the exact same way!
I'm sorry I'm late to commenting on this, but I feel the same way about the blogging community. I could never quit this because I would feel like I would be losing great friends. Thanks so much for being such a great inspiration!
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