Saturday morning, I like to start my house cleaning first thing in the morning, then it's over and done with. My favorite part, wrapping up the whole house by cleaning the floors with methods almond hardwood floor cleaner. The scent is heaven, and when I smell it, I know my house is clean :) Have you tried it?
no i haven't...but does it make the floors super slippery? I hate when wood cleaners do that...I just want them shiny..
Ooooh I am all about how my house smells. I love the method products so I will have to check this out. I have been cleaning my sink with the method cleanser and a squirt of Ajax grapefruit dish soap, if you love clean smells try this combo, it is wonderful!!!!
i looooooove this stuff!
i too use it weekly, my day is friday. my way of kicking off the weekend.
it smells great and leaves the floors looking wonderful.
love love method.
my new favorite method product is method baby dryer clothes, rice milk and almond. yum.
we reuse them and tuck in the drawers, closets and under furniture because they continue to smell so wonderful!
glad to see somebody else who loves method floor. do you o-mop too?
I haven't tried it yet but I love the smell of almond. I will have to pick some up soon :)
I love Method products and this is one I haven't tried - maybe if I pick some up I'll be more inclined to wash the floor more often! ; )
I haven't tried this. I am always looking for a good smelling, house cleaner! Can't wait to try it!
I love method cleaner for my hardwoods too, but don't recall the almond scent perhaps not in the U.S? I will definitely be on the look out, hope you are well, love!
No but it sounds fantastic!! I'll have to pick some up!
No, I haven't tried the hardwood cleaner yet but I have used some of their other products...It all started with their dish soap and has gone on from there.
I love Method! I have been using it for about 4 years. I use their mop with the squirt & mop and it does the best job on my floors!
I love cleaning floors. I haven't tried it...I have two cats who are overly sensitive to floor cleaners :( But I normally love all things almond scented.
Too funny. I just used that yesterday afternoon. Wish I used it more. You're right - the scent is heavenly!
No, but it looks divine...I have tried the other 'Method' products and they are all wonderful!! I wonder if they have a product for mopping lino?? :))
I have not tried it but now I want to!!! Went into a cleaning frenzy on this wknd and would have loved to hve finished the floors off with this.
I did recently an end of tenancy cleaning and using this product was great.
i am partial to the yuzu scent.
Love this stuff!
One of my favorite cleaning products! Wow, that sounds lame!
i'm going to try it! thanks for the tip. xo
The BEST smelling cleaning product and it is better for you and your home then most floor cleaners!
I steam my wood floor but that scent sounds really nice! Makes me want to mop!
Yes, yes! And it is delicious.
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