(The picture of Stanley and I is in our Living Room, the painting is by Dave's sister Sara Genn (www.saraphina.com) )
1. You are a busy working mom of two with one on the way – Tell us about your job + when baby is due
I'm the Weathercaster for CTV British Columbia (www.ctvbc.ca), I do the Weather on CTV News at 5pm, 6pm and 11:30pm. It's a great job, I have been at the station for 13 years and have had the opportunity to do a lot of different things. I work with some pretty amazing people, the best part is that every day is different - live television definitely keeps you on your toes! Baby number three arrives in August and we can't wait, although I'm a little terrified over how tired and busy life is going to be with three kids under three!!
2. How old are Beckett and Zoë ? They are just beyond adorable.. do they get along?
Beckett is 2- 1/2 and Zoë is 19 months. They get along great, although they are just starting to express their personalities when it comes to certain toys if you know what I mean! I love it when I catch them hugging or holding hands in the car...and when they kiss each other good night, it's just too much!
3. You also have a children’s boutique. When did you start that? What do you all carry at the store? I know I have my eye on some little dresses!
I opened EiO A Kid's Store with two friends just over year ago. It really is a dream come true and totally different than my day job. It's a creative outlet for me and I get to do it with two friends that I love. We like to say that we carry "everything for life with kids"....zero to six years old, everything from toys to clothes to great stuff for birthday party grab bags! We also do free gift wrapping, which is perfect for busy parents who just don't have time to wrap presents. We have a new blog up at www.eiokids.blogspot.com
4. Does your husband also work full time? How do you balance everything?
My husband is a musician (54-40) and producer (Mariana's Trench, Daniel Wesley, Hedley), he works full-time and has a totally different schedule than mine. He also goes on tour, Summer is a typically a busy time for him - which is hard for us. We're figuring out how to balance it all...it's tough and a constant challenge. Dave is such a great dad and an amazing husband, I think we're really good together and I feel lucky that I get to share this journey with him.
(The shot of the four of us is shortly after Zoë was born (I decided to go dark) and we're all in bed - happy)
We moved into this house when I was 8 months pregnant with Zoë, it's such a great house - I love that it looks like a character house but it's only five years old, so everything works! I love our bedroom, although there are still some things that I would like to do to make it my dream bedroom. I also love our living room, we never sit in it (there are baby gates blocking the way) but when I do I feel calm and very grown up! I'm getting a love seat for the room and then I'm going to slip cover it and the current sofa in a beautiful linen. I want the room to be calming shades of white and cream.

6.Will the kids share a room once baby arrives?
We have the space for one more babe! Number three will take over the guest bedroom, we have four bedrooms so everyone will have their own space. Beckett is about to get a big boy bed so the new babe will get his Oeuf Crib (which I love). I'm excited to get the new nursery ready!
(The nursery picture is Zoë's room, it has evolved now but this is how it started)
7. If you had an afternoon to do whatever you desired, what would you do? ( Maybe two questions.. with your fam and without : )
Right now, I would lay in bed with a stack of magazines beside me, the windows would all be open and I would lounge there all-day-long! If it's with the kids and Dave, we would go for a walk on the Sea Wall and end up at the beach and eat fish & chips....so much fun to watch the kids romp around in the sand.
8. Favorite item in your closet?
I have a gorgeous pair of black patent 5-1/2 inch Valentino shoes that I wore when I co-hosted with Regis Philbin on Live with Regis and Kelly. They are stunning and classic. Every time they catch my eye they make me smile.
( shut up! How fabulous! sorry, that was me thinking outloud- )
9. Favorite food
I love ravioli. Love. Ravioli in tomato sauce with mushrooms.
10. What are you famous for? What do your friends and family know you best for?
Hmmmmmm geeze.....I wish it was something creative and domestic but I bet if I did a poll it would be my sense of humour and my love of handbags. I love a good handbag and am in constant search of the perfect, life-altering bag.
(Our dog is an Airedale Terrier and his name is Stanley)
When I was reading through Tamara's answers, I was smiling. A heartwarming smile- Your home and family are beautiful, I am so honored that you shared them with us. I too appreciate a great bag-
and I love the art.
You can visit Tamara at her blog, Modern Mommy..and if your in Vancouver, you know where you can catch her-
Tamara, thank you. xx
What a fun post!! :] I love reading about how working mom's do it! What an adorable family!!
Really lovely interview. Nice questions and what a lovely modern mummy. xs
Want an inspring interview...thank you. They have a gorgeous house, too.
I love her already. she seems fabulous. LOVE her home, would have definitely not have guessed it was new.
What a lovely post and adorable family! I simply love her front porch. -erica
Great Q&A! Love her house - gorgeous!
Wonderful interview...very inspiring to hear what amazing women are doing!! Lovely home too-- I actually adore white/creamy nurseries for a boy or a girl!
we also would say you are a domestic diva! Great interview! xxoo
great interview - she's a true life supermom! beautiful home too (and adorable Stanley!) : )
Tamara and Dave have the cutest kids...I'm sure #3 will be adorable as well! Great interview Sarah!
Great interview!
what a wonderful post of a ambitious women :)
wonderful interview! I so enjoy a great Q+A...and with an inspiring mommy to top it off!...Lovely woman,family + home!...just like you!! xo.
Great interview, what a beautiful family and home!! x
i absolutely love this!
She has a beautiful family!
x Jasmine
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