January 5, 2010

love the emails

Do you ever have one of those moments when you think "yup.. I just might be doing this right?" I had one today when I received an email from Jill Sharp Brinson. This Jill Sharp Brinson. I'm floored + honored. Wow. Thanks Jill, so cool that you read my blog ( even just once )- xo
now I'm going to get a little sappy and tell you all how much I appreciate that you all read my blog, and take the time to leave comments! I feel like I have made some fabulous blogging friends...and that's so wonderful because I love this blog.. I love that you love all my randomness. So thanks you guys. You know who you are. xoxo


Unknown said...

I just discovered your very chic blog and I know I will be back for more.
The Zhush

Dayka Robinson said...

VERY COOL! Congrats! JIll is dope!